Conservation of water sources
at Engare Sero Ward
Enhance water security
The importance of water for humans, animals, plants and all living things is undoubtable. Social welfare, industrial and community development, agriculture, and livestock depend on the presence of sufficient water. Global and regional conservation and protection of water sources is an important link for all social, economic, and environmental sectors.
Local communities, like Engare Sero, face numerous challenges, including a lack of capacity and low financial base to manage water resources, poor forest protection, as well as a weak and incoherent land use plan. The main problems with water sources in Engare Sero Ward are general water shortage (effects of climate change such as longer periods of drought) and especially the shortage of clean and safe drinking water. This causes water-related issues like crop disasters, starvation, and waterborne diseases such as hepatitis A, dysentery, and severe diarrhea. The poor water supply also leads to worm infestations, genital diseases, and fungal infections, which are among the most common diseases in our community
This project aims to take concrete actions to protect water sources at Engaresero Ward and raise awareness for environmental issues. Effective investments in the local water sector need to be made to enhance water security and improve resilience to climate changes. For a healthy, fair, and optimistic future for the people who live here.
Conservation Management
At Engare Sero we need to build long-standing integrated engagement and regional cooperation in water resource management and development. The implementation of a bottom-up community-led approach in water management is not a simple but a necessary task to strengthen the capacities for integrated and sustainable water resource planning and management.
One of the main challenges we face in relation to rural water supply is sustainability. A lack of sustainability means that scarce financial resources are repeatedly invested in repairs instead of expanding water systems. It also means that our people are dependent on unsafe water sources, often miles away, while closely located water points are not working. Many children and young people – often girls and young women – have to spend hours every day collecting water. Some of them walk about three hours to get to a working waterhole and another three hours to trek home with their donkeys. This causes them to miss or drop out of school and be vulnerable to attacks while traveling long distances.
Our first-step action plan for conservation of water sources at Engaresero Ward includes:
Fencing and securing of two water sources
Fences need to be built appr. 200m around two water sources to prevent destruction and contamination, e.g. caused by animals that drink from the same water sources as the villagers. Theses fences protect the springs and ensure people have access to safe water.
Tree planting around water sources
Planting at least 1,000 water-friendly trees around water sources, in school yards and around houses will help us maintain water sustainability in different areas and is an important basis for water security. If possible, the planted areas around the springs should be declared communal land (or otherwise secured), which protects the planted trees from any private use.
Installation of postage, sign boards and banners
Water protection areas must be clearly marked. However, general visibility for environmental topics should also be achieved, which is why additional signs will be set up in the communities and at relevant points along the road (prohibition of environmental damage)
Installation of dustbins and garbage cans
Plastic, which makes up most of the rubbish lying around in our communities, does not rot. It only decomposes very slowly. Local people are often unaware that waste is such a big problem and the impact it has. A long-term, complex garbage management has yet to be developed for Engaresero Ward, but garbage cans and dustbins should be set up at least around the water sources and at central points in the villages.
Environmental education in regional schools at Engare Sero
A successful and sustainable protection of the environment and water is only possible if a high-quality and early environmental education happens. As early as elementary school, students can be taught the critical role each individual plays in minimizing their impact on the earth's finite resources.The training courses will be well balanced between theoretical learning and creative on-site activities to give the students a better understanding of water resources, environmental protection, re- and upcycling, among other things.
General meetings to raise environment awareness
Sustainable resource management demands collective efforts and commitment by everyone at Engaresero ward. We will provide education and trainings in ecologically and economically sustainable technologies, farming and water management to raise awareness, to involve our community members in the project(s) and to ensure that the communities get empowered to become custodians of their natural resources.
Establish village environmental committee
A committee, made up of different stakeholders from Engare Sero, should ensure the exchange of information between all parties involved, support capacity building through strategic planning and mobilization of resources and coordinate the implementation of operational goals and initiatives.
Further projects
The short-term actions mentioned above are important as a kickstarter and basis for long-term actions to improve living conditions in Engaresero Ward.
Further topics that will be developed in specific projects include:
Storage tank in Engare Sero and additional pipe system which connects the storage tank to water points in the village
Construction of necessary infrastructure to increase access to water across other villages in the Engare Sero Ward
Organized distribution of drinking water
Capacity building for primary school students (access to safe water, that will be benefiting the pupils and resulting in increased attendance levels)
WASH projects aimed at significantly improving hygienic conditions (WASH = Providing adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene services)
Waste management system for Engare Sero Ward
School gardens to teach pupils how to grow their own fruits and vegetables